Understanding Flow ~ The Power of Flow, Chapter One (2024)

The Power of Flow:
Practical Ways to Transform Your Life With Meaningful Coincidence

by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom

Chapter 1

(c) All rights reserved

For thousands of years, before Descartes, Newton, and the beginnings of modern science, people believed that all of nature was a single organism and that everything was connected. Responsiveness to signs from the Universe was a normal part of daily life, for everything from passing clouds to passing events was perceived to speak in ways that mattered.

Struggling to define the essence of this underlying connectedness, people used words such as God, Atma, essential life force, universal mind. But these words fell far short of reality because, by their nature, words limit and contain—and the nature of this unified connectedness can’t be boxed in or tied down. “The name that can be named is not the eternal name,” said the Tao Te Ching.

In current times, quantum physicists encounter similar difficulties in struggling to define the basic nature of matter. They have found that the boundaries that isolate one thing from another exist only at the most obvious and superficial level; at deeper levels, all things-atoms, molecules, plants, animals, people—participate in a sensitive, dynamic web of information.

This interrelatedness is something for which we have an intuitive sense. Even if we have no formal beliefs about a higher power, the concept of being connected to a dynamic force beyond ourselves shows up in an ordinary, everyday phrase: “in the flow.” “Go with the flow,” we might say, or, “I’m really in the flow today.”

When we try to define flow, it is also tough to nail. One approach is to study a readily observable aspect of it, which is what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi did in defining flow as “optimal experience, a state of concentration so focused that it amounts to absolute absorption in an activity.” In that state, which most often occurs during intense physical activity, we feel strong, alert, and at the peak of our abilities. This is connectedness—to an activity, to a moment.

Often when people speak of flow, however, they are alluding to it in a larger sense. They are speaking of a connectedness to larger patterns of events and meaning. And here a new definition is required:

Flow is the natural, effortless unfolding of our life in a way that moves us toward wholeness and harmony.Flow is natural because we personally do nothing to cause it to exist. Whether or not we give it our conscious attention, it just is. Sometimes we may hardly know it’s there: when obscured by our fear or anger it can run underground like a river. But when we move into greater awareness and trust, it emerges in all its strength and power.

Flow is effortless because when we learn to swim with it, its currents move us easily, smoothly and gently through life. Our stress, struggle, and uncertainty drop away, and our joy, peace, satisfaction, happiness, and effectiveness increase.

Flow is an unfolding because it furthers our potentiality—it brings us into life as it is meant to be lived. We often have an “aha” feeling of familiarity, of rightness, when we’re “in the flow.” And, flow does not only involve our personal unfolding but the unfolding of a larger pattern in which we play a part.

Flow has a tremendous power to transform our lives. Like water, it is dynamic and still, strong and receptive, persevering and yielding. We can’t push or force flow any more than we can a river; gently and surely, it has its wa.

Flow speaks to being part of something bigger than ourselves. It runs counter to the sense of being out there alone, of ending where our skin ends. Not only does quantum theory substantiate this interconnectedness, so do the findings of the major spiritual traditions. Western religions point to flow in stressing the need to be in harmony with a larger pattern of meaning and purpose, which they call God, Jehovah, Allah. By surrendering ourselves to this larger pattern, they teach, we come into joy and peace and our needs are taken care of. “The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want,” says the Twenty-third Psalm. Eastern religions perceive the Universe as a flowing web of consciousness in which everything is connected; by aligning ourselves with underlying patterns, they say, we come into harmony with our environment. “Let your nature blend with the Way and wander in it free from care,” Zen tells us.

Flow runs through everyone’s life, and proof of that interconnectedness is all around us. A good example is the time that Ann Medlock and John Graham of New York City first walked down the main street of Langley, Washington, population 845. They had been searching hard for a year across the country for a new place to live, and they came to Langley for a closer look after John spoke to a group there. At first, Ann wasn’t impressed—too many tall dark trees, too cold a wind. But then they happened upon a high-quality letterpress print shop, exactly what Ann needed to do graphics for the feisty nonprofit organization they ran. At the tobacco shop, they spotted John’s favorite pipe mixture, which he had only been able to find in one store in all of New York City. They saw a notice for church services for the same small denomination they attended back home. Finally they came to a dry goods store with a sign in the window that said, “Levi’s For Sale.” There, on top of the pile, were three pairs in John’s size—a challenge to find because of his 6’5”, 180-pound frame.

By then, they were howling with laughter. “We give up! All right!” they said to each other. Soon afterward, they found the land they wanted to buy. To complete the picture, when they returned to New York, they learned that one of Ann’s closest friends had been in Langley the same weekend and had also decided to move there.

Some people would not have taken these coincidences seriously. But to Ann and John, they were no accident: each meant something to them, and together they amounted to the Universe giving them a loud, clear message that Langley was where they belonged. Months later, they were living there—and have been flourishing in the eleven years since, as has the Giraffe Project, their nonprofit organization that recognizes people who “stick their neck out” for the common good.

Flow is marked by two types of occurrences: synchronicity and fortuitous events. As the experience of flow increases in our lives, so do these occurrences. Synchronicity was coined by Carl Jung, who, after watching its effect on his patients, defined it as “meaningful coincidence that cannot be explained by cause and effect.” He believed synchronicity to be the “acausal connecting principle” that demonstrates the dynamic interrelationship between our consciousness and the outer world. As he defined it, synchronicity often takes the form of the coming together of an inner and outer event in a way that has an emotional or psychological impact on us and that gives us a sense of being part of a larger whole. His definition includes not only coincidental happenings but also dreams that foretell an event and inexplicable knowledge we have of eventsoccurring at the same time but elsewhere.

By its very nature, we cannot directly cause synchronicity to happen—and yet it responds to our needs. It boggles the mind because it seems as though the Universe swings into place to give us what we need. For Ann and John, seeing so much that was familiar and comfortable in a totally unknown town gave them the certainty that they were, in fact, home. And they had done nothing directly to cause it. They didn’t query the Chamber of Commerce beforehand to locate the retail shops they needed, or plan to be in Langley the same time as Ann’s friend. But when those things happened, they took them to heart and followed the direction they indicated.

Fortuitous events happen when things come together in ways that work out amazingly well, and they can be explained by cause and effect. For instance, the fact that Ann and John found land they wanted to build on in Langley can be easily explained: they went to a realtor, toured properties, and found one they liked. But what was fortuitous was that the site had the trees and mountain view they wanted, that it was within their price range, and that they found it the first day they looked. Soon after, there was a sharp increase in housing prices, which would have put the land out of Ann and John’s modest price range.

We each have our personal route to flow. Ann’s and John’s journeys began with hardships. Ann, a bubbly and energetic writer, plunged into a depression when her first husband ran away with her best friend as she was undergoing an emergency cesarean. John, a gangly, intense foreign service officer and mountaineer, had experienced vivid nightmares and post-traumatic stress disorder after the Vietnam War and had also suffered a painful breakup of his previous marriage.

In despair, Ann began meditating. John became involved in spiritual and personal growth organizations. As each examined who they were and what they wanted, they stopped living by other people’s expectations and began living by their own. They looked at when and how they were stopped by fear, anger, and pain, and they took steps to remove those blockages. They opened themselves to new possibilities and ways of thinking. They learned to listen to their intuition and to follow what it said. Their days became studded with synchronicities that brought them valuable contacts, work, housing, and their life mission. Flow had become their everyday reality.

Flow has been part of your reality as well. Think of a time when life seemed rich and shimmering with possibility and you felt wordlessly connected to something greater and vaster than you could imagine. Perhaps it was when you first held your newborn baby in your arms, or when you were watching a spectacular sunset on a beach, or when you heard music so beautiful it brought tears to your eyes, or when you gazed into a loved one’s eyes. At those times, all the pettiness and worries of life dropped away, and something deep inside you was touched. When flow becomes your way of life, those moments pervade your days. You feel excited and full of wonder, yet peaceful and calm. You feel creative, productive, safe, comfortable, and complete. Each moment seems perfect in and of itself.

We experience the power of flow when:·Things fall into place, obstacles melt away, and whatever is necessary—money, times, work, people, opportunities—appears as needed. Flow eases the way. It’s like the intricate workings of a fine Swiss clock—all the gears and parts mesh smoothly to move things forward. This doesn’t mean we sit back and take things easy when we’re in flow: we are doing all our necessary daily activities and routines, such as making phone calls and running errands. But things happen naturally and easily, and before long, we can’t remember living any other way.

Glen Logan, after thirty-five years as an alcoholic, was celebrating his 90th sober day when his daughter-in-law asked him to drive her to a local university so she could register for a course. He impulsively enrolled in a beginning course on computer science, but was dropped from it because he was too advanced. As he was leaving the professor’s office, he noticed a course catalog with “Ethics in Counseling” circled. He enrolled in it. His instructor was so impressed with him that he suggested Glenn apply to graduate school.

That’s when every door seemed to open. The assessment test Glenn needed to take was being given the next day; all the college transcripts he needed arrived in a week; all his references sent in their letters the same day they were asked; and the faculty board convened just as he met all the requirements. The result? He was accepted seventeen days after he applied. Now, at sixty, he’s an addictions counselor and in the midst of a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology.

This kind of meshing together of events can happen in ways both profound and mundane, depending on our tasks and needs at each point in life. Sometimes, in fact, flow is most validating when it is the small things in life that mesh together. When we have to get somewhere quickly, it is concrete proof that we’ve tapped into the power of flow when we hit all the green lights and find a parking spot in the most crowded part of town.

We find ourselves in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Coming into flow involves knowing ourselves deeply, which gives us growing certainty about what we need for our happiness and where we fit in the world. As we move in the direction of balance and wholeness, our choices are constantly affirmed by synchronicities and fortuitous events. If we start doubting, something may happen to bring us renewed confidence that we’re where we should be—a phone call, a lucky break, a fresh opportunity, money out of nowhere.

Laura Putney of Mount Pleasant, Utah, wanted to stay home with her two sons while they were young, but at several points it appeared that she might have to go back to work to make ends meet. Each time something intervened, including an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. “It reinforced our commitment to the way we live our lives,” she says.

Perfect timing smoothes the way in long-term and everyday logistics. With the power of flow, one thing leads into another without wasted time or effort. This can mean reaching a friend by phone minutes before she’s walking out the door for a week, or turning on the radio just in time to hear news that’s important at our job that day, or arriving at the corner just as the bus does. Or it may mean that when we’re delayed by traffic and arrive fifteen minutes late at a restaurant, the friend we’re meeting arrives just then too. It can mean that we apply to a company for work and learn that an opening has just occurred because someone with precisely our qualifications has just quit. Or that we meet our future spouse at the only time in years that we are simultaneously available for a new relationship.

Sometimes perfect timing is due to what look like problems. Eric Sondermann, who has a public relations consulting business in Denver, planned to lay off one of his employees before the start of the workday, but he was delayed and reached the office too late to discuss it with her. At a 9 A.M. meeting with a client, he was handed a totally unexpected project that she was well qualified to do. It would have been unfortunate for both of them if he had let her go a half-hour earlier.

·Life unfolds as a dynamic process. We begin to experience, in a practical way, the fluctuating, constantly changing nature of existence. We understand that everything has a timing and a pacing of its own. Instead of struggling to get what we need, we relax into a situation. We follow our intuition and watch for feedback from life. We learn when to push and when to pull; when to speak and when to be silent; when to advance and when to retreat. We do our best in whatever we do, and we trust that what happens is supposed to happen. Then, free of impatience, guilt, and anxiety, we watch with pleasure as events unfold that are better than what we had conceived. One flowmaster, a lawyer, says that when he is working toward a goal in his life he always asks himself, “Am I pushing or am I not?” If he’s pushing, he stops. While negotiating for a car, he could have purchased one at a reasonable price, but when the situation started seeming full of effort and stress, he stopped the proceedings. Two weeks later, he made a single phone call and purchased the same car at a better price.

·Events and actions mesh together in a coherent pattern of deep harmony and underlying order. Life seems purposeful and integrated rather than chaotic and meaningless. Our actions and decisions arise from and merge into a larger pattern that affects others we come into contact with, and we in turn are affected by them. We realize that everything we do matters. In this larger scheme of things, the work we do—whether it’s building homes, waiting tables, or raising children—gains added significance: it’s our unique contribution. Understanding the mutuality of life, seeing how much we have been enriched by others, we have full hearts and we want to give back.

We find ourselves becoming flow messengers—vehicles for other people’s synchronicities. When Ann Medlock and John Graham returned to New York from their trip to Langley, they immediately called an architect known for his innovative designs to ask him to design their house. Although he is usually unattainable, he and his partner were sitting in their office discussing the need to test their concepts on houses in different climates at the time he picked up the telephone.

We experience this underlying order in another way as we see how actions we take in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas of our life can create parallel events in the outer world. After cleaning out the basem*nt, we find we are ready for a new relationship. Upon forgiving our father for his emotional distance, we hear our own child confiding a secret to us. We see the threads that tie seemingly unrelated events together.

·Outside events link up with our inner thoughts and feelings, giving us a sense of participation with the Universe. With flow, it’s not, as the Anne Murray song goes, “You and me against the world,” it’s you and me and the world, or, even better, you and me are the world. We experience the interplay between us and the Universe, and the lines of separation between ourselves and others disappear. We feel connected at a deep level to everyone and everything. We see everyone—including ourselves—as being in the process of learning and growing and we don’t judge or discount them. Struggle disappears; in its place is cooperation and ease. We are open to whatever the Universe brings. We are ready to do our part. In this state of receptivity, everything seems to support us in a way that enriches our life and helps us see our process and purpose more clearly. The names of places, numbers on houses, a series of phone calls begin to lace together in meaningful patterns. Slowly, the mundane threads of life become a tapestry of ongoing discovery, deeply absorbing and richly textured. The magic is in the moment—in this very moment.

Flow, in short, fills our days with meaning, purpose, and ease. And best of all, it has a very accessible entry point—synchronicity, which we can clearly see operating in our lives once we understand how it presents itself.

Read Chapter 2: Understanding Synchronicity
Read Chapter 4: The Nine Attributes

Order The Power of Flow

Understanding Flow ~ The Power of Flow, Chapter One (2024)


What is the summary of Chapter 10 of Csikszentmihalyi's flow the making of meaning? ›

Chapter 10: The Making of Meaning

Sooner or later involvement in work must be reduced. Spouses die, children grow up and move away. To approach optimal experience as closely as is humanly possible, a last step in the control of consciousness is necessary.

Is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi still alive? ›

What is the flow experience as explained by Csikszentmihalyi in his book creativity? ›

As Csikszentmihalyi explained it, flow is “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.”

What is the idea of flow? ›

Flow is a state of mind that occurs when a person is totally immersed in an activity. It can occur during a wide variety of tasks such as when a person is learning, being creative, or participating in a sport. When in a flow state, people pay no attention to distractions and time seems to pass without any notice.

What is the enemy of flow? ›

Interruptions are the enemy of flow. We can't find our way to the focus required for flow when we are distracted by the noise in our world. Studies prove we are interrupted as many as 90 times every day, most of which are self-inflicted.

What is flow according to Mihaly? ›

Legendary psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of "optimal experience" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life.

What is the flow theory in education? ›

Flow theory describes the state of flow in which learners are so engrossed in an activity that they lose sense of time and no other activity matters during that time. While in this mental state of flow, self-consciousness can fade and the sense of time can become distorted (Csikszentmihalyi, 1991).

What is the most important part of Csikszentmihalyi's definition of flow? ›

Csikszentmihalyi said the highest intrinsic motivation is a flow state where self-consciousness is lost, one surrenders completely to the moment, and time means nothing (2013).

What is the role of Csikszentmihalyi's concept of flow in the classroom? ›

Csikszentmihalyi has found that a fundamental condition for flow is that an activity should have clear goals, which provides structure and direction. This has also proven to be true in the classroom, especially when students help define their goals.

What is the relationship between flow and happiness according to Csikszentmihalyi? ›

Happiness as a Flow-Like State. The main thesis of Csikszentmihalyi's most popular book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1990), is that happiness is not a fixed state but can be developed as we learn to achieve flow in our lives.

What is the meaning of optimal experience? ›

Optimal experience, or flow, within positive psychology, has received worldwide attention since its birth (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000): it depicts the psychological mental state of a person who is immersed in an activity with energized concentration, optimal enjoyment, full involvement, and intrinsic interests, and ...

When did Csikszentmihalyi discover flow? ›

He came up with the term “flow” in the early 1970s to describe that state of mind, around the same time he developed a new technique to study it. Rather than having people fill out questionnaires about something they did hours before, he had them wear beepers.

What is a plateau pronunciation? ›

noun,plural pla·teaus, pla·teaux [pla-tohz or, especially British, plat-ohz].

What are the 4 stages of flow? ›

The four stages of the flow experience are 1) Struggle Stage, 2) Release Stage, 3) Flow Stage, and 4) Recovery Stage.

What are 3 examples of flows? ›

A river flowing down a mountain; air passing over a bird's wing; blood moving through a circulatory system; fuel moving through an engine.

What are the 4 factors of flow? ›

By putting all the four factors of flow together: focus, freedom, feedback and four % challenge, you can boost your focus and be in the zone when doing your task. Once you have achieved the flow state, doing even the most repetitive of tasks will not feel boring or dragging.

What is the spiritual definition of flow? ›

Flow is described as experiences which include meaningful enjoyment, focus, and intrinsic rewards and motivation. Since reports of transcendent, spiritual experiences appear similar to experiences of flow, it is likely that these experiences may overlap in structure.

What does flow mean in life? ›

Flow describes the experience of being so completely immersed in something that you lose track of time and everything else fades in your brain. You are focused, you are mindful and you become consumed by the piece of work at hand. It is a wonderful experience and even the most mundane tasks can become rewarding.

Is flow a form of meditation? ›

You're fully immersed in the experience, taking one action after another, without thinking or distracting yourself. That's the flow state. In many ways, the flow state is very much like a state of meditation. The chatter in the mind fades away, as does the ego.

How do you live in flow? ›

Here's a guide to how to get into flow more often — and stay there.
  1. Choose clear goals. Part of getting into a flow state means working on a task that has a specific, finite outcome. ...
  2. Make it challenging. ...
  3. Make it easy to focus. ...
  4. Take care of yourself. ...
  5. Turn your phone off. ...
  6. Create a pre-flow ritual. ...
  7. Get to know yourself.
Mar 7, 2022

Who is the father of flow? ›

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was the pioneering co-founder of the field of positive psychology.

Is flow good or bad? ›

A recent study also shows that flow helps people stay resilient in the face of adversity. Part of this is because flow can help refocus thoughts away from something stressful to something enjoyable. In fact, studies have shown that experiencing flow can help guard against depression and burnout.

What are the principles of flow theory? ›

Six principles help leisure educators work together with participants along with their families, friends, and communities so that they experience leisure, are happy, and flourish: These principles include intrinsic motivation, self-determination, flow, arousal, savoring, and positivity.

What is the flow state of happiness? ›

According to the Hungarian psychologist Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, when we are deeply involved in trying to reach a goal, or an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state called “flow.” One may find still greater happiness experiencing “flow” in working towards long-term, ...

What is the difference between pleasure and flow? ›

Flow experiences are active, while pleasurable experiences are typically passive and fleeting. Flow is neither good nor bad. It simply is. Flow can lead to experiencing life more fully and intensely.

What is an example of flow? ›

A person is in a state of flow when they are totally immersed in a task. When a person is “in flow,” they may not notice time passing, think about why they are doing the task, or judge their efforts. Instead, they remain completely focused.

What is flow state for learning? ›

Flow in education is the feeling of being totally immersed in the subject you're studying. For example, flow in education might be the feeling of attending such an engrossing lecture that you don't realize how much time has passed, and you're surprised when the lecturer finishes their presentation.

Who experiences flow and what happens in the brain during flow? ›

In flow, brain changes occur: Reduced prefrontal cortex activity is a prerequisite for concentration on a goal or task – less is more when focused attention is called for. An alpha brain state facilitates the free flow of information, incurring a sense of effortless execution of the task.

Why is flow important in learning? ›

Flow is an important component of creativity and wellbeing. Indeed, it can be described as self-actualisation as it is intrinsically rewarding – the more you practice it, the more you seek to replicate these experiences, which help lead to a fully engaged and happy life.”

Why is reading flow important? ›

Reading a text with a good flow is effortless for the reader. It guides your attention so smoothly from one word to the next, from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, that time passes without you noticing.

What is the concept of flow in flow and the foundations of positive psychology? ›

What is the Concept and Meaning of Flow? Psychological Flow captures the positive mental state of being completely absorbed, focused, and involved in your activities at a certain point in time, as well as deriving enjoyment from being engaged in that activity.

What are the positive effects of flow? ›

Flow is found to be correlated with increase performance, higher motivation and engagement and positive mood in organization context. Flow is associated with loyalty.

What is the theory of flow and optimal experience? ›

Flow Theory was developed by Csikszentmihalyi (1975). The theory suggests that learners can experience optimal learning when they perform tasks characterized by a skills-challenge balance and by a person's interest, control, and intense focus.

What is flow the psychology of optimal experience summary? ›

Flow (1990) explores how we can experience enjoyment in our lives by controlling our attention and strengthening our resolve. This is achieved by being immersed in an activity or subject that makes us neither anxious (if it's too hard), nor bored (if it's too easy).

What is the flow state and time perception? ›

The flow state is linked to time, and characterized by deep concentration, highly efficient performance, and emotional buoyancy. Focused perception is like hypnosis concept of focused attention, in which we focus on one thing to the exclusion of all others.

What is an example of flow experience? ›

Choose an activity that you find intrinsically rewarding that you become immersed in, as this is the most likely to trigger the flow state. Some examples could be cooking, gardening, hiking, running, swimming, gaming, yoga, painting, crafts, and so on.

What is the opposite of flow state? ›

Mind-wandering, a state of disengagement with the present, is the opposite of flow. Mindfulness practice and physical activity are both effective ways to disrupt mind-wandering and encourage a flow state, according to findings by Chinese researchers published in Frontiers in Psychology (2022; 13 [674501]).

What is the flow experience and its significance for human psychology? ›

"Flow" can be said to occur when people are able to meet the challenges of their environment with appropriate skills, and accordingly feel a sense of well-being, a sense of mastery, and a heightened sense of self-esteem.

What is an emotional plateau? ›

“The undefinable emptiness that I feel, now has a name - Plateau.” A Plateau is a period of leveling off that can often feel unbearable while trying to grow.

What is a plateau in psychology? ›

The learning plateau is a phrase used very regularly by professionals in educational psychology. It refers to a time when the learner, regardless of their best efforts, seems to "stop" making visible progress. Much like when you start climbing a mountain. You'll see rapid progress in the beginning stages of your climb.

What is the summary of finding flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi? ›

Flow (1990) explores how we can experience enjoyment in our lives by controlling our attention and strengthening our resolve. This is achieved by being immersed in an activity or subject that makes us neither anxious (if it's too hard), nor bored (if it's too easy).

What does the term flow mean according to the movie Happy? ›

("Flow" is a mental state in which you step outside of time, and may be an important ingredient in happiness, according to the movie.)

What does trying to go with the flow mean? ›

Move along with the prevailing forces, accept the prevailing trend, as in Rather than striking out in new directions, I tend to go with the flow, or Pat isn't particularly original; she just goes with the tide.

What does talk about going with the flow mean? ›

to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do: Just relax and go with the flow! Custom, tradition & conformity.

What is flow theory Csikszentmihalyi in education? ›

What is Flow Theory? Flow Theory was developed by Csikszentmihalyi (1975). The theory suggests that learners can experience optimal learning when they perform tasks characterized by a skills-challenge balance and by a person's interest, control, and intense focus.

What is the relationship between flow state and happiness? ›

According to the Hungarian psychologist Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, when we are deeply involved in trying to reach a goal, or an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state called “flow.” One may find still greater happiness experiencing “flow” in working towards long-term, ...

Is flow the key to happiness? ›

Studies have found that achieving this 'state of flow' is a big driver of happiness. In the short term, flow produces positive emotions, while long-term benefits can help you live a happier, more satisfying life.

What does it mean to live life with the flow? ›

to let things happen to you or let other people tell you what to do, rather than trying to control what happens yourself.

What do you call a person who is go with the flow? ›

adaptable. compliant. ductile. flexible. go-with-the-flow.

What is an example of go with the flow? ›

You can use the idiom 'Go with the Flow' to tell someone he should be more conservative or less radical. Example of Use: “I never know what to expect when I'm with them, so I've learned that the best thing to do is just go with the flow.”

Is it good or bad to go with the flow? ›

The more you go with the flow, the calmer and happier you'll become. When you attempt to get things your way, you'll be more stressed instead of letting things be as they are. Since you're allowing things to come as they are, you appreciate the things and people around you better.

What is the quote about being in flow? ›

The purpose of the flow is to keep on flowing, not looking for a peak or utopia but staying in the flow. It is not a moving up but a continuous flowing; you move up to keep the flow going. There is no possible reason for climbing except the climbing itself; it is a self-communication.”

When someone wants to go with the flow? ›

Go with the flow in a relationship means you let things happen or let another person tell you what to do instead of trying to control the outcome yourself.


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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.