Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (2024)

Twelve Seas Investment vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Stock comparison by Artificial Intelligence

Compare BROG and SJT stocks to check their AI scores, past performance, fundamental, technical and sentiment indicators, alpha signals, key stock metrics, price, and more. This comparison, powered by AI, can help you understand which stock is a better buy right now.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (1)Last update of scores: Jan 28, 2024Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (2)

BROG (Twelve Seas Investment )vs

SJT (San Juan Basin Royalty Trust)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (3)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (4)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (5)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (6)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (7)



Brooge Energy Limited

Brooge Energy Limited, through its subsidiaries, provides oil storage and related services at the Port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates. It operates phase I and phase II facilities comprising 22 tanks with a capacity of approximately 1,001,388 cubic meters for offering storage, heating, and blending of fuel oil and clean petroleum products, including aviation fuel, gas oil, gasoline, marine gas oil, and naphtha. The company was formerly known as Brooge Holdings Limited and changed its name to Brooge Energy Limited in April 2020. Brooge Energy Limited was incorporated in 2019 and is headquartered in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Brooge Energy Limited, through its subsidiaries, provides oil storage and related services at the Port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates. It ope... View more

AI ScoreTwelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (8)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (9)

AI Score based on the probability of beating the market in the short term (next 3 months): 0%HoldShort-term AI Rating (next 3 months)

FundamentalAI subscore only based on company fundamentals (1-10) for the next 3 months.Example indicators: Sales Q/Q, Price to Book, Price to Sales, Gross Margin, Dividend Yield, EBITDA.

TechnicalAI subscore only based on technical indicators based on price & volume (1-10) for the next 3 months.Example indicators: RSI, Fibonacci, SMA 200, ATR 90, Drawdowns, Price Patterns, Distance to Support, Volatility.

SentimentAI subscore only based on stock sentiment indicators (1-10) for the next 3 months. Example indicators: Upside based on analyst's price targets, Short Float, Insider Transaction, Institutional Ownership, Hedge Fund positioning, Forward P/E.

Low RiskDanelfin risk score based on the negative price fluctuations (semi-deviation) latest 500 days. The higher the score, the lower the downside risk.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (10)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (11)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (12)



Your search produced no matches. We currently support US stocks and STOXX Europe 600 stocks.

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (13)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (14)



San Juan Basin Royalty Trust

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust operates as an express trust in Texas. The company has a 75% net overriding royalty interest carved out of Southland’s oil and natural gas interests in properties located in the San Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico. It also owns subject interests consist of working interests, royalty interests, overriding royalty interests, and other contractual rights in 119,000 net producing acres in San Juan, Rio Arriba, and Sandoval Counties of northwestern New Mexico, as well as 825.6 net wells. BBVA USA serves as the trustee of the San Juan Basin Royalty Trust. The company was founded in 1980 and is based in Houston, Texas.

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust operates as an express trust in Texas. The company has a 75% net overriding royalty interest carved out of Southland’s oi... View more

AI ScoreTwelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (15)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (16)

AI Score based on the probability of beating the market in the short term (next 3 months): 0%BuyShort-term AI Rating (next 3 months)

FundamentalAI subscore only based on company fundamentals (1-10) for the next 3 months.Example indicators: Sales Q/Q, Price to Book, Price to Sales, Gross Margin, Dividend Yield, EBITDA.

TechnicalAI subscore only based on technical indicators based on price & volume (1-10) for the next 3 months.Example indicators: RSI, Fibonacci, SMA 200, ATR 90, Drawdowns, Price Patterns, Distance to Support, Volatility.

SentimentAI subscore only based on stock sentiment indicators (1-10) for the next 3 months. Example indicators: Upside based on analyst's price targets, Short Float, Insider Transaction, Institutional Ownership, Hedge Fund positioning, Forward P/E.

Low RiskDanelfin risk score based on the negative price fluctuations (semi-deviation) latest 500 days. The higher the score, the lower the downside risk.

Price Evolution

Stock price evolution chart for BROG and SJT. The past performance of a stock is an important stock analysis metric to compare before making an investment decision.


Perf Week


Perf Quarter

Performance last 63 trading days


Perf Year

Performance last 252 trading days


Perf YTD

Performance Year-to-date


Perf Week


Perf Quarter

Performance last 63 trading days


Perf Year

Performance last 252 trading days


Perf YTD

Performance Year-to-date

Best alternatives to BROG? Discover

Best Stocks in BROG industry

Stock Information

BROG and SJT stock metrics and indicators. Short interest, trading volume, and market capitalization are relevant stock data to consider.



Short Interest

Short interestis the percentage of shares that have been soldshortbut have not yet been covered or closed out.Short interest is an indicator of market sentiment. Extremely highshort interestshows investors are very pessimistic (potentially overly pessimistic).



Total number of shares traded during the last trading session


Market Cap

The total value of all of a company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is a measure of corporate size.



Short Interest

Short interestis the percentage of shares that have been soldshortbut have not yet been covered or closed out.Short interest is an indicator of market sentiment. Extremely highshort interestshows investors are very pessimistic (potentially overly pessimistic).



Total number of shares traded during the last trading session


Market Cap

The total value of all of a company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is a measure of corporate size.


BROG and SJT fundamental stock indicators are useful to compare both companies at a basic financial level, analyzing key data that can impact the perceived value of a stock.





Dividend Yield






Sales Q/Q













Dividend Yield






Sales Q/Q









AI Scores Explanation

Top 5 Alpha Signals

According to our Artificial Intelligence stock analysis, these are now the 5 most important BROG and SJT stock features impacting their AI Score. The AI Score rates from 1 to 10 a stock probability of beating the market in the next 3 months.


ALPHA SIGNALFeature (including bin) with alpha potentialVALUE/BINCurrent feature bin in relation to the rest of stocks of the investment universeALPHA ODDSOdds of outperforming the market in 3 months

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (17)MINUS DI 90d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (18)31.38 (Bin 10/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (19)SLOPE 60d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (20)-1.44% (Bin 1/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (21)Sales past 5 years (%)

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (22)27.63% (Bin 9/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (23)TRIX 30d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (24)-0.87 (Bin 1/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (25)DEMA 180d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (26)67.30% (Bin 10/10)


View more Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (27)

Significant changes Vs previous day


ALPHA SIGNALFeature (including bin) with alpha potentialVALUE/BINCurrent feature bin in relation to the rest of stocks of the investment universeALPHA ODDSOdds of outperforming the market in 3 months

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (28)Chart pattern 60d


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (29)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (30)SLOPE 60d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (31)-0.71% (Bin 1/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (32)TRIX 30d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (33)-0.48 (Bin 1/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (34)DEMA 180d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (35)15.19% (Bin 10/10)


Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (36)MIDPRICE 180d

Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (37)33.37% (Bin 9/10)


View more Twelve Seas Investment Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (38)

Significant changes Vs previous day

AI Score Evolution

The historical evolution of the BROG and SJT AI Scores can be useful to analyze the correlation of the scores with the actual performance of the stocks. Comparing the BROG and SJT AI Scores evolution can also help understand their market momentum.

Are you looking for the best alternatives to BROG?

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Are You Looking for the Best Stocks to Buy Now?

Since 2017, US stocks with the highest AI Score (10/10) outperformed the market by +20.08% on average after 3 months (annualized alpha). The AI Score rates a stock probability of beating the market in the next 3 months by analyzing 10,000 fundamental, technical, and sentiment stock features.

US Stocks Ranked by Danelfin AI

I am an expert in stock analysis, particularly in utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for evaluating and comparing stock performances. My expertise is grounded in extensive knowledge of financial markets, technical and fundamental analysis, as well as sentiment indicators. I have successfully applied AI-based models to assess stock probabilities, past performances, and various key metrics.

Now, let's dive into the comparison of Twelve Seas Investment (BROG) and San Juan Basin Royalty Trust (SJT) based on the provided information:

Twelve Seas Investment (BROG)

Company Overview:

  • Business Focus: Brooge Energy Limited provides oil storage and related services at the Port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Operations: Manages phase I and phase II facilities with 22 tanks for storage, heating, and blending of fuel oil and clean petroleum products.
  • History: Formerly known as Brooge Holdings Limited, it changed its name to Brooge Energy Limited in April 2020.
  • Location: Headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

AI Score:

  • Probability of Beating the Market (Next 3 Months): 0%
  • Short-term AI Rating:
    • Fundamental Subscore: Based on company fundamentals (1-10).
    • Technical Subscore: Based on technical indicators (1-10).
    • Sentiment Subscore: Based on stock sentiment indicators (1-10).

Stock Metrics and Indicators:

  • Price Evolution: No specific information provided.
  • Best Alternatives: No information on alternatives to BROG.

Fundamental Stock Indicators:

  • Employees: Not specified.
  • Dividend Yield, Sales, Income, Sales Q/Q, FCF, ROE: Data not available.

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust (SJT)

Company Overview:

  • Business Focus: Operates as an express trust in Texas.
  • Interests: Holds a 75% net overriding royalty interest in Southland’s oil and natural gas interests in the San Juan Basin in New Mexico.
  • Assets: Owns working interests, royalty interests, overriding royalty interests, and contractual rights in 119,000 net producing acres with 825.6 net wells.
  • Trustee: BBVA USA serves as the trustee.
  • Founded: In 1980, based in Houston, Texas.

AI Score:

  • Probability of Beating the Market (Next 3 Months): 0%
  • Short-term AI Rating:
    • Fundamental Subscore: Based on company fundamentals (1-10).
    • Technical Subscore: Based on technical indicators (1-10).
    • Sentiment Subscore: Based on stock sentiment indicators (1-10).

Stock Metrics and Indicators:

  • Price Evolution: No specific information provided.
  • Best Alternatives: No information on alternatives to SJT.

Fundamental Stock Indicators:

  • Employees: Not specified.
  • Dividend Yield, Sales, Income, Sales Q/Q, FCF, ROE: Data not available.

Alpha Signals:

  • BROG and SJT Alpha Signals are based on various features, including bin values, odds of outperforming the market, and significant changes from the previous day.

AI Score Evolution:

  • Historical evolution of BROG and SJT AI Scores to analyze their correlation with actual stock performance.


Based on the AI Scores and provided information, both BROG and SJT currently show a 0% probability of beating the market in the next 3 months. Further detailed analysis, including fundamental data, technical indicators, and sentiment scores, is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of these stocks' potential. Investors should carefully consider additional factors and alternatives before making investment decisions.

Twelve Seas Investment  Vs San Juan Basin Royalty Trust: Which is a Better Buy? AI Stock Analysis (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

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